[1]刘启佳 贾子昌 栾景源 韩金涛*.颈动脉蹼的CT血管造影特征分析[J].中国微创外科杂志,2019,01(9):834-837.
 Liu Qijia,Jia Zichang,Luan Jingyuan,et al.The Features of Carotid Web by CT Angiography[J].Chinese Journal of Minimally Invasive Surgery,2019,01(9):834-837.





The Features of Carotid Web by CT Angiography
刘启佳 贾子昌 栾景源 韩金涛*
Liu Qijia Jia Zichang Luan Jingyuan et al.
Department of Interventional Radiology and Vascular Surgery, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing 100191, China
Carotid webImagingCT angiography
目的总结颈动脉蹼CT血管造影(computed tomography angiography,CTA)的特征,以提高临床和影像医师对此类病理结构的精确诊断。方法回顾性分析2015年1月~2018年2月我院793例头颈部CTA检查的影像学资料,筛查颈动脉蹼,分析其影像学特征,包括发病部位、病变形态、是否导致动脉狭窄等。结果8例颈动脉蹼,7例单侧,1例双侧;长度(2.40±0.73)mm,厚度(0.98±0.16)mm。无动脉蹼造成所在颈动脉的重度狭窄。结论颈动脉蹼是发生于颈动脉窦或颈内动脉起始处后壁的一类少见的膜样结构,好发于女性,单侧多见,几乎不导致动脉重度狭窄;CTA对颈动脉蹼具有重要的诊断价值,仔细阅片对于准确诊断此类病变十分必要。
ObjectiveTo summarize the features of carotid web by CT angiography (CTA), aiming to improve the precise diagnosis of the carotid web.MethodsThe CTA data of 793 patients in our hospital from January 2015 to February 2018 were retrospectively reviewed in order to find the patients with carotid web and to analyze their imaging data.ResultsThere were 7 patients with webs affecting unilateral carotid arteries and 1 patient with webs in bilateral carotid arteries. The length and thickness of webs were (2.40±0.73) mm and (0.98±0.16) mm. There were no webs leading to the moderate or severe stenosis of carotid arteries. ConclusionsA carotid web is a rare shelflike protrusion that extends from the wall of the carotid bulb or the origin of the internal carotid artery. It typically affects women and unilateral carotid arteries rarely resulting in severe stenosis. CTA has significant diagnostic value for carotid webs. Careful viewing of CTA image is extremely necessary for accurate diagnosis.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2019-12-10