 Guo Shaohong..History and Current Status of Cholecystolithotomy with Gallbladder Conservation in Overseas[J].Chinese Journal of Minimally Invasive Surgery,2017,17(08):673-679.





History and Current Status of Cholecystolithotomy with Gallbladder Conservation in Overseas
Guo Shaohong.
Department of HepatoBiliaryPancreas Surgery, Nanjing BenQ Medical Center of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210019, China
CholecystotomyCholecystolithotomyGallbladder conservation
For answering the question of whether the operation of cholecystolithotomy with gallbladder conservation is popular in overseas, the author made a literature review. It was found that in the past 340 years’ clinical practice in western countries, the research on preservation of gallbladder has been persisted till now. Many methods have been created with certain effects and at the same time some problems. Further studies are needed.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2017-11-22